Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis


Poor work performance happens for a variety of reasons, such as personal problems of employees, faulty equipment, poor skills, poor management or a combination of factors.
If work performance is low it is important to identify exactly what is happening and why, in order to estab-lish if training will solve the problem. If training is the solution, having accurately defined the need will help you determine what information and skills are required and how you can structure your program.

Every organisation needs appropriately trained employees to evaluate high turnover of staff/volunteers or changes in the landscape in which you work.  It is therefore important to ensure that learning and development opportunities are available within your organisation in various forms.

Developing a good learning culture takes skill and commitment, the long-term benefits include a better-quality service; higher skilled staff/volunteers; lower staff turnover; higher staff motivation.  This workbook will give you the skills to develop the needs analysis of your organization, conducting a thorough training needs analysis and be able to confidently provide advice to the organization about their needs

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