Safeguarding Adults Care Certificate


This course will cover the essentials to safeguarding adults. The course content is provided as part of the Skills for Care – Care Certificate and therefore proven to meet the national standards. The course content is also mapped to the City and Guilds level 2 Diploma in Care. This course will cover;

What is Wellbeing
Your responsbilities
Types of abuse and neglect – signs and indicators
How to protect adults from abuse and neglect
The meaning of Safeguarding adults reviews (SARs)
Sources of advice and information
Promoting dignity and rights
The importance of individualised person-centred care
Multi-agency working
Managing risk
Dealing with complaints
Spotting signs of abuse or neglect
Reporting and responding to abuse and neglect

This course will give you an in depth understanding of what abuse is, how to identify signs of abuse and follow the correct procedures to address any allegations or abuse. The course details are in line with national standards identified by the Skills for Care – Care Certificate and to the City and Guilds level 2 Diploma in Care.

The Care Act 2014 defines adult safeguarding as protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. These include the following;

Protection from abuse and neglect 
Control by the individual over day-to-day life (including over care and support provided and the way it is provided) 
Participation in work, education, training or recreation  Social and economic wellbeing  Domestic, family and personal wellbeing 
Suitability of living accommodation 
The individual’s contribution to society.

In the Care Act 2014 ‘wellbeing’ is described as relating to:
All these aspects of wellbeing or outcomes are relevant to people with care and support needs and carers. There is no hierarchy, and all should be given equal importance when considering wellbeing.